West Des Moines Water Works
Delivering reliably safe and refreshing water.
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Beware of scams

Beware of a scam occurring in our service area and across the country that uses the threat of service disconnection to convince customers to purchase prepaid credit cards, money orders or wire money and provide that information over the phone. Other scams request payment by email. They sometimes threaten to disconnect service in the next hour or two.

If you receive a suspicious call, hang up and call West Des Moines Water Works official phone number is 515-222-3460. Some scammers may provide a different phone number that spoofs our answering system. 

West Des Moines Water Works does not ask customers to purchase prepaid credit cards or wire money and we don’t ask for payment over email or over the phone. We have several safe and convenient payment options you can select by logging into your account at https://customer.wdmww.com/CustLogin.aspx