Rate Information About Your Municipal Services Bill
Your Municipal Services bill includes fees for several municipal services including Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Solid Waste. The rates for water service are set by the Board Of Trustees of the West Des Moines Water Works. All other fees are set by the West Des Moines City Council.
$ 6.78 per thousand gallons - non-irrigation rate
$ 8.49 per thousand gallons - irrigation rate
$ 13.55 per thousand gallons - bulk water
These charges apply per calendar month based upon water meter size in accordance with the table shown below.
Meter Size |
5/8" |
3/4" |
1" |
1.5" |
2" |
3" |
4" |
6" |
8" |
10" |
Monthly charge |
$4.73 |
$4.73 |
$5.42 |
$11.68 |
$13.52 |
$23.52 |
$45.31 |
$188.20 |
$453.59 |
$638.73 |
Rates for water service and the amount of the Basic Service Charge are determined by the Board of Trustees of the West Des Moines Water Works. The Basic Service Charge is prorated for partial months of water service. Sales tax is applied to water and basic service charges unless the customer provides a valid sales tax exemption certificate.
Sanitary Sewer Service - Effective October 1, 2024
Payable to the City of West Des Moines - $6.67 per thousand gallons. Sanitary sewage from West Des Moines is collected by sanitary sewers owned by the City of West Des Moines. The sanitary sewage is treated at the Des Moines Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation Authority. The rate for this service is determined by the West Des Moines City Council. Sales tax is applied to sanitary sewer cost on all commercial accounts unless the customer provides a valid sales tax exemption certificate. Residential sanitary sewer costs are not subject to sales tax.
Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge – Effective July 1, 2021
Payable to the City of West Des Moines - $3.77 per month This charge applies to premises serviced by a connection with the sanitary sewer system of the City of West Des Moines. The rate for this service is determined by the West Des Moines City Council. Sales tax is applied to all commercial accounts unless the customer provides a valid sales tax exemption certificate. Residential accounts are not subject to sales tax.
Solid Waste Service - Effective July 1, 2024
Payable to the West Des Moines Water Works in accordance with the following schedule:
48-gallon cart
$15.79 per month
$8.44 for
each additional cart
96-gallon cart
$16.42 per month
$8.97 for each additional cart
Solid waste service charges apply to single family and
multi-family residential dwelling units where the City of West Des Moines
provides solid waste collection service. While this service is offered by the
City, West Des Moines has contracted with Waste Connections, Inc., to
provide collection services. Your solid waste collection day information can be viewed here.
All existing homes in WDM should have garbage and recycling carts left by the previous occupant. To report a broken or missing garbage or recycling cart, or to request an addition cart or change in cart size, please call Metro Waste Authority at 515-244-0021.
Questions regarding yard waste collection options? Please visit Metro Waste Authority's website.
The rates for solid waste service are determined by the West Des Moines
City Council.
Solid waste charges are not subject to state sales tax.
Stormwater Management Fee - Effective july 1, 2024
Payable to the City of West Des Moines - $8.90 per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) per month. An ERU is less than or equal to 4000 square feet of impervious surface area. Rates per ERU are determined by the West Des Moines City Council. This charge applies to premises served by a connection with the stormwater management systems, either directly or indirectly. Sales tax is applied to all commercial accounts unless the customer provides a valid sales tax exemption certificate. Residential accounts are not subject to sales tax.
West Des Moines Water Works provides billing services for sanitary sewer, solid waste and stormwater management in accordance with the established rate schedules and remits these funds to the City of West Des Moines.