West Des Moines Water Works
Delivering reliably safe and refreshing water.
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The community of West Des Moines is one of Iowa’s fastest growing cities. Invigorated with signs of economic stability and recovery, the community faces new opportunities and challenges as its borders transcend county lines and further extend into Dallas and Warren counties.

The Water Works has long operated with the policy of supporting growth without placing undue burden on existing customers. This is accomplished when connection fees and other costs are absorbed by those who stand to reap the financial rewards of development.

Maintain Water Quality and Safety: Whenever possible exceed regulatory standards for safety and quality. Always be mindful of environmental impact. The water we treat today is the same water our great grandchildren will use.

Upgrade and Improve Water Assets and Infrastructure: Rather than waiting for crisis situations, steadily modernize aging assets and infrastructure.

Provide for Future Community Growth: Ensure that water services, infrastructure and fire capacity keep pace with community growth in terms of density and geographic expansion.

Act with Fiscal Responsibility and Accountability: Keep water rates affordable, while identifying operational efficiencies. Be open to creative solutions. (e.g. changing the disposal of lime residuals, so they could be used in agriculture rather than hauled to a landfill.)

Cooperate, Collaborate and Communicate: West Des Moines Water Works buys water from Des Moines Water Works, shares a water tower with Clive and Waukee and provides water services to support the City of West Des Moines economic development.