West Des Moines Water Works
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Aquifer Storage and Recovery Well at 88th Street and Valley View Park

West Des Moines Water Works (WDMWW) is constructing a new Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) well in the northwest corner of Valley View Park adjacent to the existing water tower and other WDMWW buildings. Site work on the new 2,700-feet deep well began in July of 2024 with drilling operations beginning in September and lasting for approximately three months. Phase 1 of the project consists of relocating a water main and drilling the well.  Phase 2 of the project will begin in the spring of 2025.  This phase will consist of the pump control building construction, chemical feed equipment and electrical equipment. 

Construction of the ASR will allow WDMWW to store treated water during winter months when water demand is lower. As demand increases in the summer months, the water is then pumped from the ASR into the water distribution system. The ASR well will provide an important tool for WDMWW to manage peak water usage and to ensure WDMWW has ample supply for meeting the water needs of our growing community.

The 88th Street site was selected for its proximity to other system infrastructure that is already in the immediate area. This site is also located at the boundary of two pressure zones within the distribution system. This location allows Water Works the maximum flexibility in utilizing this new infrastructure.

Construction of the new well will not have any direct effect on neighboring homes and properties. It will, however, create additional noise. The drilling phase, which requires several pieces of heavy equipment and apparatus to reach the nearly half-mile depth, is expected to take approximately three months with machinery running around the clock. Continuous operation is essential to the successful completion of the project. In fact, if drilling is halted for more than a very short period of time, WDMWW runs the risk that the well hole will collapse and cause a failure of the project. The only way to prevent this is to drill continuously until the well depth is achieved. Currently, the contractor has reached a depth of 1,420 feet on its way to a total depth of 2,726 feet.

WDMWW has required the project contractor to mitigate the noise generated during the well drilling. A 32-foot high sound enclosure has been built on site. However, there is no practical method to prevent or eliminate increased noise during construction.

The drilling process can be noisy and messy, but the noise and mess are only temporary. When the project is complete, the site will be cleaned up, restored and landscaped in keeping with the park. Upon completion, the well head will be screened with grasses and landscaping and the well house will be constructed to match the other Water Works buildings on site.

A public meeting for this project was held on January 30, 2024 at the West Des Moines Library. If you have any questions concerning the project, you may contact Lyle Hammes – WDMWW Superintendent at 515-222-3465 or [email protected].